Entreamigos 2019 Environmental Fair
San Pancho, Nayarit – The 2019 Entreamigos Environmental Fair, “Cultivemos Experiencias,” is set to take place on Friday, March 8 in San Francisco, Nayarit. This entertaining and educational event seeks to raise environmental awareness through games, dynamics, and workshops. In addition, it seeks to show successful models of sustainable practices that help meet the challenges of today.
The event will be held at the Plaza del Sol, located between Cuba and Mexico streets in San Pancho, where most of the activities will take place, but students from schools in the nearby towns of Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta are invited to take a guided tour of the community center between 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
The Environmental Fair will be inaugurated at 3:00 pm at the Plaza del Sol, where all attendees are invited to explore its attractions, participate in free workshops and browse the eco-conscious product and food booths at their leisure.
Offering an afternoon of family fun and learning through interactive workshops, science fair projects, the local environmental organization stands, and activities for all ages, the principal goal of the event is to encourage care for our environment through community-wide recycling and trash management programs, beach clean-ups, and tree planting projects.
We hope you can join us for this fun-filled afternoon of discovering the concept of sustainability and how people of all ages can actively participate in the care of our environment for a more creative, conscious and loving world!
Entreamigos primary focus is to increase educational opportunities for the children of San Pancho in Nayarit Mexico. To achieve these goals Entreamigos runs an art collective non-profit store, a library, a computer center and a collection of educational and community-based workshops and initiatives. Entreamigos is entirely funded by donations and almost completely run by volunteers. To learn more about our programs and activities please visit entreamigos.org.mx.