More than two thousand years ago an Aztecan tribe called The Tecoxquines (Throat Cutters) chipped images into the volcanic rock along the river Las Piletas. The petroglyphs are believed to have many symbolic meanings such as prayers or offerings to the gods, to promote health and fertility and to encourage the return of the rains for successful crops. The Alta Vista hike will take you along the Piletas river where you can find the ancient petroglyphs preserved in the surrounding rocks and stones. The hike will lead you under an immense canopy of tropical forest where your naturalist guide will teach you about the local flora and fauna as well as the indigenous & cultural history of the area. As you come to the end of the trail you will be amazed by the beauty and peacefulness of the sacred pools and the array of petroglyphs surrounding you. Here you can take this time to contemplate, watch the butterflies or wander around.
Your Trip Includes: Transportation from Sayulita to trail head and back, naturalist guide, binoculars, field guide booklet.
Trip departure is at 8:30 am from the Sayulita Plaza.
Please bring your own lunch/snack and water.
This tour is available Tuesdays and Fridays. 6 hours.
Private Hiking Tours (prices depend on the hike and number of guests)

Take a break from the beach for a few hours and come on a fun and educational hike that’s suitable for hikers of all ages! The hike will follow a mellow trail through the local forest where your naturalist guide will identify the flora and fauna. Along the hike you will see captivating vista views of Sayulita, as well as a chance to explore the secluded beach of Malpaso. Enjoy peering at insects through magnifying lenses and observing birds and butterflies playing overhead, all while surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest.
Your Trip Includes: Transportation from Sayulita to trail head and back, naturalist guide, binoculars, field guide booklet.
Trip departure is at 8:30 am from the Sayulita Plaza. Please bring your own lunch/snack and water.
This tour is available Saturdays and Sundays. 3 Hours.
Private Hiking Tours (prices depend on the hike and number of guests).