Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, and Mexico News Brief on COVID-19
With the COVID-19 pandemic dominating the world’s news and social media channels, it can be difficult to keep up with what’s really happening in Puerto Vallarta and around the Republic. So, we’ve put together a brief overview of some of the latest news and information from reliable sources in Puerto Vallarta, the State of Jalisco, and other areas of Mexico.
“Center for Respiratory Diseases” to Open at Hospital San Javier
Construction workers in Puerto Vallarta have been working round-the-clock to complete the city’s first ‘temporary’ hospital for the care of patients suspected or diagnosed with the coronavirus. Thanks to the foresight of respected local physician of Grupo Médico Joya CEO, Doctor Armando Joya, construction of the “Center for Respiratory Diseases,” began on March 24 in preparation for the arrival of the COVID19 cases that are sure to come. When a patient is diagnosed with the virus, rather than be admitted to the public and private hospitals in Puerto Vallarta, they will be sent to and cared for at this facility, which will be equipped with advanced technology, including the best doctors and specialists in Puerto Vallarta and a specially trained staff, mechanical ventilators for intensive care patients and a separate area for less critical cases. In total, up to 18 people can be treated in isolation in this new medical facility that meets the highest international standards for healthcare. The Center for Respiratory Diseases, located next to Hospital San Javier Puerto Vallarta (Blvd. Fco. Medina Ascencio 2760, Zona Hotelera Norte), is expected to open this week. Though built for the COVID-19 contingency, the Center for Respiratory Diseases will continue to operate after the crisis.
Mexican Factories Boost Production of Medical Supplies for U.S. Hospitals
As demand soars for medical devices and personal protective equipment in the fight against the coronavirus, the United States has turned to the phalanx of factories south of the border that are now the outfitters of many U.S. hospitals.
Less than a year after President Trump threatened to impose tariffs here, Mexico’s $17 billion medical device industry is ramping up production of everything from ventilator components to thermometers and hospital beds – and scouring the country for workers willing to work through the pandemic.
The products, manufactured largely in factories run by U.S. corporations, will land in almost every hospital in the United States. Very few will remain in Mexico. It’s a byproduct of globalization distilled clearly during a pandemic: A nation that produces lifesaving medical equipment isn’t necessarily the one that gets to keep it.
Vallarta Abuelos is Feeding Puerto Vallarta Families
In response to the loss of jobs as a result of the coronavirus, the Vallarta Abuelos is distributing despensas (food packages) to 30 hungry families in Puerto Vallarta each week. They are dispensing 20 kilos of basics, like milk, rice, and beans, plus meat, cleaning supplies and fresh vegetables to those in need. You can feed one family for a donation of just $500 pesos ($25 US or $28 Can), but any amount will help. Donations can be made through Paypal to VallartaAbuelos@outlook.com. They have also set up drop off spots in the Marina and in 5 de Diciembre for in-kind donations.
Governor Installs Health Checkpoints on Roads Leading to Jalisco
On Friday, April 3, Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez set up checkpoints at the most commonly used entrances and exits of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, as well as on interstate borders with Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Michoacán and Colima to prevent anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 from entering the state.
The health reviews range from spraying buses and privately owned vehicles with disinfectant, to questioning and taking the temperature of drivers and passengers with infrared thermometers, to giving them antibacterial gel and face masks and, if applicable, denying access to the city or state.
“This is not the time to vacation. This is the time to avoid the spread of the virus through whatever means necessary; We are doing our best to prevent it from invading places where there are no cases today, but there is no better way to achieve this than for everyone to stay home,” the Governor said.
“All our appreciation goes to the Health personnel, the Health Agency, Public Security, Civil Protection of the state and the municipalities, as well as the National Guard who are part of this great and coordinated effort. These are not simple decisions or easy work, but it is necessary for the good of everyone. Let’s not loosen up, #QuédateEnCasa, let’s work together,” he added.